On 23-24 October 2023, the last transnational meeting of the “STEM in Action” project was held in Kortrijk, Belgium, hosted by Vives University. This meeting was the closing meeting of the project and was an important period in which many activities were finalised, deadlines were set and the outputs of the project were presented.
The aim of the meeting was to review the overall progress of the project with the project partners and to see the finalisation of the activities specified in the activity plan. It was also announced that our distance education platform, which will add an international perspective to the STEM approach, will start its trainings soon.
The main agenda items of the meeting w e r e as follows:
– Progress Update
– Intellectual Output 1 (Current Situation and Next Steps for Preschool/Branch Teachers)
– Website Presentation
– Intellectual Output 1 (Presentation of Recorded Videos – MTU/UPB/TU)
– Intellectual Output 2 (Current Situation and Next Steps for Preschool/Branch Teachers)
– Dissemination (Dissemination Activities Updates/Future Steps)
– Quality Assurance
– Activity Evaluation
– Financial and Administrative Issues
– Re-implementation Activities – Deadlines
Tarsus University (TU) from Turkey, Munster University of Technology (MTU) from Ireland, Paderborn University (PBU) from Germany, Pi Tech from Greece, University of Zagreb (UniZg) from Croatia, University of Craiova (UCV) from Romania and Vives University as host from Belgium participated in the meeting.
This productive meeting created a strong co-operation and synergy between the project partners and contributed significantly to the successful completion of the “STEM in Action” project. In Belgium
This closing meeting was a final and important step towards achieving the goals of our project. The upcoming trainings of our distance learning platform will increase the long-term impact of our project by offering an international perspective in STEM education.