
The Stem in Action dynamic team includes universities and companies from Turkey, Ireland, Greece, Germany, Croatia, Romania and Belgium who have come together to make this project a reality. Coordinated by Tarsus University from Turkey, this diverse group of partners brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, working together to promote STEM education and inspire the next generation of innovators.

  • Tarsus University (Coordinator)
  • Tarsus University, Turkey

    Tarsus University, dating back to 1992 with the academic units affiliated with Mersin University, was established as a separate university on May 18, 2018. Tarsus University has one  institute (Graduate School), seven faculties (Faculty of Aerospace Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Technology), one school (The School of Foreign Languages)  and three vocational schools (Vocational School, Vocational School of Health Services, Mersin Tarsus Organize Industrial Region Vocational School of Technical Sciences).

    The mission of Tarsus University is an innovative, value-added and development-oriented university that contributes to the development and advancement of humanity with qualified education, original and advanced research and by generating services for the benefit of society in a respected collaboration. The vision of Tarsus University is to be a respected world university, always on the trace of the perfection, honored to be a member.

    Why Tarsus University?

    • Student-centred learning
    • Experienced and inovative academic staff who are passionate about their profession
    • Curriculum that is compatible with the evolving expectations of the society and adapting to the advancements in technology.
    • Inspiring for research and development, and bringing out the essence of the entrepreneurship.
    • Guiding you towards your personal and professional development
    • Increasing your dreams and passions
    • A University where you will discover yourself.


    • Ahmet Yalkın

      Project Coordinator
    • Begüm Canaslan Akyar

      Early Childhood Education Specialist
    • Emin Demir

      Child Development Specialist
    • Şerife Hülya Kurt

      Early Childhood Education Specialist
    • Ayşe Dilay Eroğlu

    • Hakan Karabogaz

      Graphic Designer / Technician
    • İsmail Bayram

      Graphic Designer / Technician
    Ahmet YALKIN

    Ahmet Yalkın

    • Project Coordinator
    Emin Demir

    Emin Demir

    • Child Development Specialist
    Hülya KURT

    Şerife Hülya Kurt

    • Early Childhood education specialist

    Ayşe Dilay Eroğlu

    • Lecturer 
    Hakan Karaboğaz

    Hakan Karabogaz

    • Graphic Designer / Technician
    İsmail Bayram

    İsmail Bayram

    • Graphic Designer / Technician
  • Munster Technological University
  • Munster Technological University (formerly Cork Institute of Technology), Ireland

    Munster Technological University (MTU) is a multi-campus technological university, contributing to the region through the provision of academic programmes that support student development and opportunities, education and research. MTU has an extensive and impressive regional footprint with six campuses across the South-West region in Cork and Kerry, and a student body of 18,000. The University offers a wide range of flexible full-time, part-time and online higher education courses (at all levels up to and including PhD) in art & design, business, engineering, humanities, music, maritime studies and science & information technology. MTU has a number of successful research, innovation, knowledge exchange and enterprise engagement centres which have had many notable achievements, and have been successful in attracting Irish, EU and international funding. Among these are the Rubicon Centre, Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence, Nimbus and CREATE Research Centres, MTU Extended Campus and the University’s Department of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). The Department of TEL is the main entity within the University partnering on the STEM in Action project.

    • Mohammed Hasanuzzaman
      Local project lead
    • Lauren Maher
      Educational designer and developer
    • Tadhg Leane
      Local coordinator

    Lauren Maher

    • Educational designer and developer
  • VIVES University of Applied Sciences
  • VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Belgium

    VIVES University of Applied Sciences is a higher education institution and the core business is to ensure higher education for students at bachelor level (EQF level 6) in the study areas Applied engineering and Technology, Biotechnology, Education, Commercial Sciences and Business Management, Health Care and Applied Social Studies. Besides delivering higher education, VIVES has several centres of excellence, in which they perform practice-based research and offer services to society. One of these centres of excellence is the VIVES hub of ‘Innovation in Education’. Its goal is to develop efficient and usable didactics, methods and tools concerning education in STEAM. Its research starts from specific and concrete research questions, which are relevant for educational practitioners such as stimulating 21st century skills and children’s attitude towards environmental issues and STEAM. With regard to these topics the research group works together with other (inter)national partners on a systematic innovation of the curriculum and practice of education. The expertise is disseminated mostly by organizing coaching programs for teachers, students and teacher educators (trainers) and through (inter)national publications.


    • Annelore Blondeel
      Development curriculum pre-primary education
    • Stephanie Vervaet
      Development curriculum pre-primary education
    • Linde Zutterman
      Development curriculum pre-primary education
    • Kristof Van De Keere
  • Pi-Tech Private Company
  • Pi-Technologies, Greece

    Pi-Technologies is an organization specializing in educational technologies. It is involved in Extended Reality or Augmented Reality projects, Artificial Intelligence, and the construction and maintenance of educational and commercial websites.


    • Giannis Papadopoulos
      Team coordinator
    • Filippos Zamanis
      Technical developer
    • Petros Papadopoulos
      Technical developer
  • University of Zagreb
  • University of Zagreb, Croatia

    The University of Zagreb is the flagship educational institution in the country with 31 faculties, 3 art academies and various university centres and departments. As a comprehensive public Central European university, UNIZG offers education programmes in all scientific fields (arts, biomedicine, biotechnology, engineering, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences) and a broad spectrum of courses at all study levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate for more than 70,000 students. The University excels not only in teaching, but also in research, contributing with over 50 percent to the annual research output of Croatia.

    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) is the largest technical faculty and leading educational and R&D institution in the fields of electrical engineering, information and communication technology and computing in the Republic of Croatia. The Faculty offers substantial educational and R&D facilities including 35 lecture halls, more than 60 laboratories, Congress centre, tele-conference centre, central library and 12 department libraries, student restaurant, sport and recreation facilities on 43308 m2. The Faculty is organised in 12 departments which represent the focal points of education, research and development in various fields. The present research and educational staff comprises more than 200 professors and more than 350 teaching and research assistants and around 3500 students at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level. All those numbers clearly emphasize highly spirited activities in teaching and research. Currently FER participates in more than 200 projects, both EU and national, financed by various grant schemes. The number of international projects in the last five years makes Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing one of the most internationally active institutions in Croatia.

    University of Zagreb official site

    • Ana Sovic Krzic
      Development curriculum branch teachers
    • Ivana Storjak
      Development curriculum branch teachers
    • Dorotea Potoc
      Development curriculum branch teachers
    • Ivan Bukic
      Development curriculum branch teachers
    • Iva Kurelja
      Development curriculum branch teachers
    • Lara Vdovic
      Development curriculum branch teachers
    • Ivan Brcic
      Development curriculum branch teachers
    • Klara Ilicic
      Development curriculum branch teachers
    • Jasna Matijevic

    Ana Sovic Krzic

    • Development curriculum branch teachers

    Ivana Storjak

    • Development curriculum branch teachers

    Dorotea Potoc

    • Development curriculum branch teachers
  • University Paderborn
  • University Paderborn, Germany

    The chair Wirtschaftspädagogik II is partner in the project STEM in Action and is settled at the department 5: Business and Human Resource Education of the University of Paderborn. The Department for Business and Human Resource Education is one out of six Departments of the Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Business Computing at the University of Paderborn. It educates students in the first phase (university phase) of teacher education for the field of adult education, vocational education and training (more precisely: field business and economics) in Germany.

    We are involved in higher education, general education, in VET and in vocational teacher education (VET-teacher training). In our work we connect our teaching activities to research and project activities to sustain our actions and pursuits. Our department is responsible for youth education and business education at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Our research fields are education, eLearning and digitisation, didactics and teacher training. Main research topics are (a) General and school education, adult education and VET, (b) digitisation, remote work strategies, eLearning and mLearning, serious game design as well as innovative methods in eLearning (MOOC design, learning platform design, course design, virtual classrooms etc.) (d) curriculum design and design of learning materials (e) entrepreneurship (see e.g. our former ERASMUS+ projects GET-UP –Green Entrepreneurship training – underpinning prosperity, SHADOWs or NGEnvironment) and (f) Green Economy and sustainalbility (Green-4-Future, Reliable Green, GET-UP –Green Entrepreneurship training –) as well as (g) evaluation research. We already designed and evaluated many education programmes, blended Learning scenarios, eLearning and networking approaches as well as MOOCs (iversity, udemy, MOOCit etc.), created them and organized and provided seminars for higher education. 


    Marc Beutner

    Marc Beutner

    Jennifer Schneider -

    Jennifer Schneider

    Niclas Gruettner

    Niclas Grüttner

  • University of Craiova
  • University of Craiova, Romania

    The University of Craiova is one of the high standing higher education institutions in Romania, fostering the scientific, professional and personal growth of almost 19,000 students, guided with competence, professionalism and intellectual generosity by a top flight community of almost 900 academics.

    The University of Craiova is the main high profile institution of higher education in the historical region of Oltenia (at the territorial-administrative level, it comprises 5 counties) in the South-West of Romania. Craiova is the largest city in Oltenia and the sixth in the country in point of population, thus offering a rich cultural experience.

    Currently, the University of Craiova is a comprehensive structure, including 12 faculties, 3 autonomous academic departments and 41 research centers. The University of Craiova takes pride in its infrastructure (1 main building, 5 university campuses, 11 student halls of residence, approximately 300 lecture theatres and seminar rooms, 255 laboratories, 1 central library and 14 branch libraries, 4 research and development units, 1 university club, etc.) and in the qualified human resource (900 teaching staff members and 850 administrative and maintenance staff members), as a warrant for the quality of the services provided to the its students and to the community in general.

    The University of Craiova offers a diverse spectrum of 104 Bachelor’s degree programmes in 53 academic fields, 98 Master’s degree programmes in 40 areas of study, and doctoral degrees in 26 specializations, which cover fields such as: mathematics and natural sciences, automation, computers and electronics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, economics and business administration, law and social sciences, agriculture and horticulture, letters and foreign languages, orthodox theology, physical education and sports. The University of Craiova also offers distance education options, summer courses, post-doctoral studies and a Romanian preparatory year.


    • IACOBESCU Gabriela-Eugenia
      Development curriculum pre-primary education
    • PETRISOR Iulian
      Local coordinator
    • SARARU Silviu Constantin
      Dissemination expert
    • PAUNA Alina Maria
      Developmental curriculum primary school education
    • STOIAN Aida Cornelia
      Developmental curriculum primary school education
    • HAREGA Loredana
      Technical staff
    • MISCOCI Violeta
    Gabriela-Eugenia IACOBESCU - profile pic

    IACOBESCU Gabriela-Eugenia

    • Coordinator
      Development curriculum pre-primary education
    Iulian PETRISOR - profile pic

    PETRISOR Iulian

    • Local coordinator
    Silviu Constantin SARARU - profile pic

    SARARU Silviu Constantin

    • Dissemination expert
    Alina Maria PAUNA-profile pic

    PAUNA Alina Maria

    • Developmental curriculum primary school education
    Aida Cornelia STOIAN - profile picture (1)

    STOIAN Aida Cornelia

    • Developmental curriculum primary school education
    Loredana Harega - profile pic

    HAREGA Loredana

    • Technical staff

Tarsus University, Turkey

Tarsus University, dating back to 1992 with the academic units affiliated with Mersin University, was established as a separate university on May 18, 2018. Tarsus University has one  institute (Graduate School), seven faculties (Faculty of Aerospace Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Technology), one school (The School of Foreign Languages)  and three vocational schools (Vocational School, Vocational School of Health Services, Mersin Tarsus Organize Industrial Region Vocational School of Technical Sciences).

The mission of Tarsus University is an innovative, value-added and development-oriented university that contributes to the development and advancement of humanity with qualified education, original and advanced research and by generating services for the benefit of society in a respected collaboration. The vision of Tarsus University is to be a respected world university, always on the trace of the perfection, honored to be a member.

Why Tarsus University?

  • Student-centred learning
  • Experienced and inovative academic staff who are passionate about their profession
  • Curriculum that is compatible with the evolving expectations of the society and adapting to the advancements in technology.
  • Inspiring for research and development, and bringing out the essence of the entrepreneurship.
  • Guiding you towards your personal and professional development
  • Increasing your dreams and passions
  • A University where you will discover yourself.


  • Ahmet Yalkın

    Project Coordinator
  • Begüm Canaslan Akyar

    Early Childhood Education Specialist
  • Emin Demir

    Child Development Specialist
  • Şerife Hülya Kurt

    Early Childhood Education Specialist
  • Ayşe Dilay Eroğlu

  • Hakan Karabogaz

    Graphic Designer / Technician
  • İsmail Bayram

    Graphic Designer / Technician

Ahmet Yalkın

  • Project Coordinator
Emin Demir

Emin Demir

  • Child Development Specialist
Hülya KURT

Şerife Hülya Kurt

  • Early Childhood education specialist

Ayşe Dilay Eroğlu

  • Lecturer 
Hakan Karaboğaz

Hakan Karabogaz

  • Graphic Designer / Technician
İsmail Bayram

İsmail Bayram

  • Graphic Designer / Technician

Munster Technological University (formerly Cork Institute of Technology), Ireland

Munster Technological University (MTU) is a multi-campus technological university, contributing to the region through the provision of academic programmes that support student development and opportunities, education and research. MTU has an extensive and impressive regional footprint with six campuses across the South-West region in Cork and Kerry, and a student body of 18,000. The University offers a wide range of flexible full-time, part-time and online higher education courses (at all levels up to and including PhD) in art & design, business, engineering, humanities, music, maritime studies and science & information technology. MTU has a number of successful research, innovation, knowledge exchange and enterprise engagement centres which have had many notable achievements, and have been successful in attracting Irish, EU and international funding. Among these are the Rubicon Centre, Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence, Nimbus and CREATE Research Centres, MTU Extended Campus and the University’s Department of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). The Department of TEL is the main entity within the University partnering on the STEM in Action project.

  • Mohammed Hasanuzzaman
    Local project lead
  • Lauren Maher
    Educational designer and developer
  • Tadhg Leane
    Local coordinator

Lauren Maher

  • Educational designer and developer

VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Belgium

VIVES University of Applied Sciences is a higher education institution and the core business is to ensure higher education for students at bachelor level (EQF level 6) in the study areas Applied engineering and Technology, Biotechnology, Education, Commercial Sciences and Business Management, Health Care and Applied Social Studies. Besides delivering higher education, VIVES has several centres of excellence, in which they perform practice-based research and offer services to society. One of these centres of excellence is the VIVES hub of ‘Innovation in Education’. Its goal is to develop efficient and usable didactics, methods and tools concerning education in STEAM. Its research starts from specific and concrete research questions, which are relevant for educational practitioners such as stimulating 21st century skills and children’s attitude towards environmental issues and STEAM. With regard to these topics the research group works together with other (inter)national partners on a systematic innovation of the curriculum and practice of education. The expertise is disseminated mostly by organizing coaching programs for teachers, students and teacher educators (trainers) and through (inter)national publications.


  • Annelore Blondeel
    Development curriculum pre-primary education
  • Stephanie Vervaet
    Development curriculum pre-primary education
  • Linde Zutterman
    Development curriculum pre-primary education
  • Kristof Van De Keere

Pi-Technologies, Greece

Pi-Technologies is an organization specializing in educational technologies. It is involved in Extended Reality or Augmented Reality projects, Artificial Intelligence, and the construction and maintenance of educational and commercial websites.


  • Giannis Papadopoulos
    Team coordinator
  • Filippos Zamanis
    Technical developer
  • Petros Papadopoulos
    Technical developer

University of Zagreb, Croatia

The University of Zagreb is the flagship educational institution in the country with 31 faculties, 3 art academies and various university centres and departments. As a comprehensive public Central European university, UNIZG offers education programmes in all scientific fields (arts, biomedicine, biotechnology, engineering, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences) and a broad spectrum of courses at all study levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate for more than 70,000 students. The University excels not only in teaching, but also in research, contributing with over 50 percent to the annual research output of Croatia.

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) is the largest technical faculty and leading educational and R&D institution in the fields of electrical engineering, information and communication technology and computing in the Republic of Croatia. The Faculty offers substantial educational and R&D facilities including 35 lecture halls, more than 60 laboratories, Congress centre, tele-conference centre, central library and 12 department libraries, student restaurant, sport and recreation facilities on 43308 m2. The Faculty is organised in 12 departments which represent the focal points of education, research and development in various fields. The present research and educational staff comprises more than 200 professors and more than 350 teaching and research assistants and around 3500 students at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level. All those numbers clearly emphasize highly spirited activities in teaching and research. Currently FER participates in more than 200 projects, both EU and national, financed by various grant schemes. The number of international projects in the last five years makes Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing one of the most internationally active institutions in Croatia.

University of Zagreb official site

  • Ana Sovic Krzic
    Development curriculum branch teachers
  • Ivana Storjak
    Development curriculum branch teachers
  • Dorotea Potoc
    Development curriculum branch teachers
  • Ivan Bukic
    Development curriculum branch teachers
  • Iva Kurelja
    Development curriculum branch teachers
  • Lara Vdovic
    Development curriculum branch teachers
  • Ivan Brcic
    Development curriculum branch teachers
  • Klara Ilicic
    Development curriculum branch teachers
  • Jasna Matijevic

Ana Sovic Krzic

  • Development curriculum branch teachers

Ivana Storjak

  • Development curriculum branch teachers

Dorotea Potoc

  • Development curriculum branch teachers

University Paderborn, Germany

The chair Wirtschaftspädagogik II is partner in the project STEM in Action and is settled at the department 5: Business and Human Resource Education of the University of Paderborn. The Department for Business and Human Resource Education is one out of six Departments of the Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Business Computing at the University of Paderborn. It educates students in the first phase (university phase) of teacher education for the field of adult education, vocational education and training (more precisely: field business and economics) in Germany.

We are involved in higher education, general education, in VET and in vocational teacher education (VET-teacher training). In our work we connect our teaching activities to research and project activities to sustain our actions and pursuits. Our department is responsible for youth education and business education at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Our research fields are education, eLearning and digitisation, didactics and teacher training. Main research topics are (a) General and school education, adult education and VET, (b) digitisation, remote work strategies, eLearning and mLearning, serious game design as well as innovative methods in eLearning (MOOC design, learning platform design, course design, virtual classrooms etc.) (d) curriculum design and design of learning materials (e) entrepreneurship (see e.g. our former ERASMUS+ projects GET-UP –Green Entrepreneurship training – underpinning prosperity, SHADOWs or NGEnvironment) and (f) Green Economy and sustainalbility (Green-4-Future, Reliable Green, GET-UP –Green Entrepreneurship training –) as well as (g) evaluation research. We already designed and evaluated many education programmes, blended Learning scenarios, eLearning and networking approaches as well as MOOCs (iversity, udemy, MOOCit etc.), created them and organized and provided seminars for higher education. 


Marc Beutner

Marc Beutner

Jennifer Schneider -

Jennifer Schneider

Niclas Gruettner

Niclas Grüttner

University of Craiova, Romania

The University of Craiova is one of the high standing higher education institutions in Romania, fostering the scientific, professional and personal growth of almost 19,000 students, guided with competence, professionalism and intellectual generosity by a top flight community of almost 900 academics.

The University of Craiova is the main high profile institution of higher education in the historical region of Oltenia (at the territorial-administrative level, it comprises 5 counties) in the South-West of Romania. Craiova is the largest city in Oltenia and the sixth in the country in point of population, thus offering a rich cultural experience.

Currently, the University of Craiova is a comprehensive structure, including 12 faculties, 3 autonomous academic departments and 41 research centers. The University of Craiova takes pride in its infrastructure (1 main building, 5 university campuses, 11 student halls of residence, approximately 300 lecture theatres and seminar rooms, 255 laboratories, 1 central library and 14 branch libraries, 4 research and development units, 1 university club, etc.) and in the qualified human resource (900 teaching staff members and 850 administrative and maintenance staff members), as a warrant for the quality of the services provided to the its students and to the community in general.

The University of Craiova offers a diverse spectrum of 104 Bachelor’s degree programmes in 53 academic fields, 98 Master’s degree programmes in 40 areas of study, and doctoral degrees in 26 specializations, which cover fields such as: mathematics and natural sciences, automation, computers and electronics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, economics and business administration, law and social sciences, agriculture and horticulture, letters and foreign languages, orthodox theology, physical education and sports. The University of Craiova also offers distance education options, summer courses, post-doctoral studies and a Romanian preparatory year.


  • IACOBESCU Gabriela-Eugenia
    Development curriculum pre-primary education
  • PETRISOR Iulian
    Local coordinator
  • SARARU Silviu Constantin
    Dissemination expert
  • PAUNA Alina Maria
    Developmental curriculum primary school education
  • STOIAN Aida Cornelia
    Developmental curriculum primary school education
  • HAREGA Loredana
    Technical staff
  • MISCOCI Violeta
Gabriela-Eugenia IACOBESCU - profile pic

IACOBESCU Gabriela-Eugenia

  • Coordinator
    Development curriculum pre-primary education
Iulian PETRISOR - profile pic


  • Local coordinator
Silviu Constantin SARARU - profile pic

SARARU Silviu Constantin

  • Dissemination expert
Alina Maria PAUNA-profile pic

PAUNA Alina Maria

  • Developmental curriculum primary school education
Aida Cornelia STOIAN - profile picture (1)

STOIAN Aida Cornelia

  • Developmental curriculum primary school education
Loredana Harega - profile pic

HAREGA Loredana

  • Technical staff